Become a member
What’s Required to Join Blairstown Rotary?
The main requirement to join Rotary is the desire to get involved and make a difference in our community. We know that today’s work and family schedule take its toll on volunteer time, so we are working hard to make Rotary accessible to all who want to join and contribute.
Meeting Schedule
Our monthly business meeting is the 1st Thursday of the month. This is our primary meeting of the month. The business of the club is conducted, and it usually features a guest speaker. Attending the monthly business meeting will keep you fully informed about club activities.
Live dinner meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday starting a 7 PM. We meet virtually via Zoom on the 2nd, 4thand 5th Thursdays, also at 7 PM.
Our live meetings are usually held at the Givens Belet American Legion Hall, Route 521, Blairstown. If you would like to join a meeting, email your request to
We hold and participate in many projects throughout the year. What we can accomplish is only limited by the time, enthusiasm and skills of our members. We are confident that we can find projects that match your time, skills and abilities. Or maybe you have some ideas of your own, but you need people and resources to help carry them out. That’s what Rotary is all about.
Throughout the year there are optional Rotary sponsored events. Examples include conferences, training meetings, fundraising events, holiday parties, picnics, golf outings, etc. Costs vary based on the event. Participation is encouraged in order to build fellowship and to get better acquainted with other club members.
Dues are used to pay for the operation of Rotary so that the money we raise can be used to fund our projects and donations. We also pay our own way when we attend dinner meetings.
Annual Rotary dues are $226.00, billed $113.00 per half.
At dinner meetings, each member pays their meal costs. Typically, this cost is about $15
The club strongly encourages our members to support The Rotary Foundation with a minimum annual tax-deductible donation of $100. Blairstown Rotary is proud to note that almost 100% of its members contribute to The Rotary Foundation. Rotary Foundation is highly regarded, internationally recognized and very efficient.
If you want more information, send us an email at or contact any Rotarian.
Click to download a New Member Application.